Hello NLCC Achilles Families and Cadets
This is the weekly update for Friday April 22nd.
As previously announced, this week everyone will be attending in person if they are comfortable to do so, or not sick, not exposed to COVID. All cadets are to attend in uniform. Drop off times for LC, PO1, CPO2 is 1835 and OCs 1845. If you are attending online the Mass Classroom will be open at 1845. If you will be attending online and have not previously advised us please email the Corps to confirm ( ).
All cadets attending in person MUST complete the COVID Screening Tool (Click Here) before 1800, this allows for a smoother arrival.
Any questions or concerns please email us at
See everyone Friday!
Hello Parents and Cadets
This is the weekly update for Friday April 15th and 22nd.
Friday April 15th we are on stand down, NO CADETS. It is a holiday so there will be no training this week.
Friday April 22nd we are back to regular training but a little different. On April 22nd we will be going back to all in-person at the ship. Everyone will be asked to attend in uniform, masks mandatory and you still need to complete the COVID screen. If you are sick at all, even if it isn't COVID, we ask that you attend online. We will still be providing the online stream for cadets and families that would prefer to attend online for now. Please let us know if you plan to attend online so we can make sure the needed classrooms are active.
Save the date, Sunday May 1st, Battle of Atlantic services normally about 1300, at the ship in person with the Sea Cadets. Further details will be provided at a later date
If you have any questions or concerns please email
Hello NLCC Achilles Families and Cadets
This is the weekly update for Friday April 8th. This is a regular hybrid-training night. Alpha Group will be in person this week and Bravo Group online. Alpha Group please arrive at your assigned times ( PO and Above 1840, LC and OC 1845). Alpha group is asked to log in to the Mass Classroom between 1845 - 18:55 for attendance and Colours, we will do our best to open the Meet on time, please be patient.
All cadets attending in person are asked to complete the online screening tool, HERE. If you have travelled outside of Canada in the last 14days please attend online. As advised last week we request all cadets to wear masks while in the building to protect the staff, cadets and family at home that are immunocompromised.
Ordinary Cadets please make sure you have your Paracord with in at the ship and online, we will be review ALL knots. POs and above be ready to teach a lesson. LCs you get it easy this week.
If you have any questions or concerns please email at
See you tomorrow
Hello NLCC Achilles Families and cadets
This is the weekly update for Friday April 1st. All cadets are asked to attend in Uniform if they have them. This week it is Bravo group in person, please arrive at your assigned times ( PO and Above 1840, LC and OC 1845). Alpha group is asked to log in to the Mass Classroom between 1845 - 18:55 for attendance and Colours, we will do our best to open the Meet on time, please be patient.
All cadets attending in person are asked to complete the online screening tool, HERE. If you have travelled outside of Canada in the last 14days please attend online. As advised last week we request all cadets to wear masks while in the building to protect the staff, cadets and family at home that are immunocompromised.
OCs that were in person last week were given Paracode, please have it available for second period.
If you have any questions or concerns please email at
See you tomorrow
Hello NLCC Achilles Families and Cadets
This is the weekly update for Friday March 25th. We are back in training this week and we will be continuing to do our Hybrid training model. This week Alpha Group is in-person and Bravo Group is online. If cadets have uniforms please wear them if you are online or in-person.
In-person cadets are to arrive at their assigned times 1840 ( CPO2, POs ) and 1845 (NEs, OCs). In-Person cadets are still required to complete the COVID screen tool before arriving, (COVID Screening Link). Cadets online are to login in between 1845 - 1855 for attendance and preparation for Colours.
Please keep an eye on your emails for further updates concerning COVID policies, including wearing of masks, over the next 24hrs.
If you have any questions or concerns please email
See you Friday.